60 Days of Flutter : Day 3–4 : Building a Chat Screen in Flutter

Aditya Gurjar
6 min readAug 15, 2019

Photo by Joshua Ness on Unsplash

In last part we finished setting up the CI. Today we’ll build the UI for the Conversation Screen.

Gesture based navigation between chats was one of the primary features the app was supposed to have. We will be using a PageView which will help us achieve this functionality. If you’re familiar with flutter you might also be familiar with the tagline Everything in flutter is a widget.

This essentially means that we’ll have to think of our App and all of its segments in terms of widget. In the process we’ll be using some widget from the Flutter SDK and we’ll also be combining them to create our own custom widgets.

Before we start I’ll highly recommend going through this post by Julien Louage to have a better understanding of Rows and Columns and their MainAxis and CrossAxis Alignments in Flutter. Here’s a quick summary :

A Row is a widget used to display child widgets in a horizontal manner.

A Column is a widget used to display child widgets in a vertical manner.

  • For a Row, X-Axis is the MainAxis and Y-Axis is the CrossAxis.
  • For a Column, Y-Axis is the MainAxis and X-Axis is the CrossAxis.

Now let’s take a look at all the files/directories we’ll be creating today.


The config contains :

  • Assets : holds reference for all the assets.
  • Palette : holds reference for all the colors we’ll use in the app.

You can see these files in the code changes section.

The Conversation Page

The conversation page will have three section, the app bar, the chat messages and the input section.

The App bar will have the Name, Username, Display Picture, Attach Button and the buttons for Photos,Videos & Files shared with the user.

Here ChatListWidget, ChatAppBar, and InputWidget are three custom widgets which we’ll build in a while. We’re using the SafeArea Widget to avoid the status bar area of the device.

The Conversation Page List

We’ll use the PageView Widget to stitch together ConversationPage Widgets and navigate through them using gestures. For demonstration I’m adding three dummy instances of the Conversation Page.

The Custom Widgets


The ChatAppBar uses the decoration property of the Container widget to achieve a shadow effect. We then use Expanded widget’s flex property to split the container into two equal sections of 7:3 . The Display Picture here uses the CircleAvatar Widget and takes up 30% width of our Container. The rest of the app bar is formed using combination of container, Columns and rows.


For the sake of creating this dummy we’re using even indexes for sent messages and odd indexes for received messages. We also have the timestamps for each of the messages. Notice how we’re using CrossAxisAlignement and MainAxis-Alignment to position the widgets.


ChatListWidget generates a listview . Note that we’ve used the property reverse=true so that all new messages can be added to the bottom of the display list. Here the itemBuilder takes as argument a widget which can take the index/data as argument and return the Widget for that position in the list.


The InputWidget contains the Emoji Button, the TextField and the Send button. Note that we have used the Widget Flexible to wrap both the content of InputWidget and ChatList. This is to make sure that both these widgets can expand to acquire the space in their parent widget.

And Finally

Here’s the end result.

Today we went ahead and created quite a few custom widgets. Also while merging the code Travis build failed with some tests failing. But I’m too tired to take a look at them today.

Tomorrow, We’ll take a look at why those tests failed and fix them. We will also write tests for all the code that we’ve written today. Catch you guys in the next one.

Code Changes

#3 Completed Conversation Screen UI

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Aditya Gurjar
Aditya Gurjar

Written by Aditya Gurjar

Mobile Engineer. Writing Mostly about Mobile Dev, Mobile DevOps, and a lil bit of life.

Responses (7)

What are your thoughts?

Hey, nice job! But I see you are using message index modulus 2, does that mean user can only send a message then has to wait for the next one?


Now, the tutorial officially begins with building the Chat Screen UI. All the things are properly explained and instructed so that beginners can easily complete the task. The chat screen UI looks simple and elegant. However, we can design our own…

why ChatAppBar in this page is StatelessWidget and in solution page is StatefulWidget and here
Palette.primaryTextColor and Palette.secondaryTextColor there is no in Palette.dart?
please can explain better…. i cannot go in front! please