You don’t need that shiny new framework!

Aditya Gurjar
2 min readMay 4, 2023


Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

It’s easy to get caught up in the hype surrounding new frameworks and libraries, each new release promising to revolutionize the way we code. But do you really need that shiny new framework?

Let me be the devil’s advocate here and tell you why you don’t:

Think Long Term

It’s important to be pragmatic and ask yourself:

  1. Will this framework still be relevant in five years?
  2. Will your company be able to find developers who can work on it?

This is because, once you’re in, it's a long-term commitment, similar to a marriage. And so just like in a marriage, you’d want to make sure it lasts and provides you value over the long term.

Be Mindful of the Business Goals

Possibly the most crucial factor is to figure out how it affects your organization’s business goals.

What are the trade-offs? Will the time invested significantly improve the development team’s productivity? Does it provide any significant gains in terms of user experience?

If not, you’re probably better off just skipping it.

Consider the Learning Curve

There’s always a learning curve for new adoptions. Evaluate the time it may take for the team to get up and running with the new framework. Based on this, decide if it’s worth investing in learning the new syntax, or using that time to build actual features.


Long-term maintenance of a new framework can be unpredictable as the maintainers may abandon it, leaving you in limbo. This can add an unexpected workload to your team. Important to have a long-term vision here.

In the end, remember, building great software is about delivering value to your users, and not about chasing the latest trends!

Have any questions? Reach out to me on Twitter:



Aditya Gurjar

Mobile Engineer. Writing Mostly about Mobile Dev, Mobile DevOps, and a lil bit of life.